Lucky People Center International

Lucky People Center International 1999, 35 mm film 78 min.

Filmed in fifteen countries. The world at the turn of the millennium. What do we believe in? Singing apes, Tibetan lama Sogyal Rinpoche, the Vodou queen of Awa-May, Japanese noise music, Maori hakas, Annie Sprinkle, Zulu nation.

Director and editor together with Johan Söderberg. Cinematography Jan Röed. Producer Lars Jönsson. Production company Memfis film. Produced in cooperation with SVT Sweden, Swedish Filminstitut, Zentropa productions Denmark, Nordic film and TV fund and others. (** A Lucky People center project).

Released on cinema and TV in Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Austria, Canada and England. (On TV in various other countries.) ”International“ received the Golden Gate Award, San Francisco International Filmfestival 1999.

Hounnon Djoussou Dotche, Benin Voodoo ceremony, Benin
Candomble cermony, Brazil Sogyal Rinpoche
Annie Sprinkle EXU, Benin